
Returns true if the element has children that are React components, otherwise returns false.

hasComplexChildren(child: ReactNode): boolean


The children array from the element where is used.

Return Value

A boolean which is true if the element has children that are React components, but false if it doesn’t.


import React, { ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { hasComplexChildren } from 'react-children-utilities';

interface Props {
  children?: ReactNode;

const Test = ({ children }: Props): ReactElement => (
  <div>{hasComplexChildren(children) ? 'yes' : 'no'}</div>

const Example = (): ReactElement => (
    <span />
    <span />
    this too

render(<Example />, document.body);

// Result:
// <div>yes</div>

const Example2 = (): ReactElement => <Test>these are not elements</Test>;

render(<Example2 />, document.body);

// Result:
// <div>no</div>